Financial Planning

A heading is a word, phrase, or sentence at the beginning
of a written passage that explains what it's about

Asset management for trusts

Preserving Legacies, Maximizing Growth

We understand the delicate balance between preserving legacies
and maximizing the growth potential of assets held in trusts.
Our Asset Management for Trusts services are designed to
provide meticulous oversight and strategic investment planning,
ensuring that the financial well-being of beneficiaries
is safeguarded.

Key Features:

 • Customized Strategies: Tailor asset management strategies
to align with the unique objectives and timelines of each trust.
 • Risk Mitigation: Employ a prudent approach to risk management,
balancing potential returns with the preservation of trust assets.
 • Diversification: Implement a diversified investment approach to
optimize returns and minimize exposure to market fluctuations.
 • Transparent Reporting: Stay informed with transparent reporting
that outlines the performance and activities of trust assets.
 • Fiduciary Expertise: Benefit from our fiduciary expertise, providing
responsible and ethical stewardship of trust assets

Our team of experienced financial advisers at The Faller Company is committed to navigating the complexities of trust asset management, ensuring that the financial legacies entrusted to us are managed with diligence, care, and a focus on long-term prosperity.

Retirement Planning

Crafting Your Ideal Retirement

Prepare for a secure and fulfilling retirement with The Faller
Company’s expert guidance. Our Retirement Planning services
encompass a range of tailored strategies, catering to both
individuals and small businesses.

Crafting Your Ideal Retirement

 • Customized IRA Solutions: Explore personalized IRA strategies
that align with your unique financial goals, risk tolerance, and
retirement timeline.
 • Tax-Advantaged Growth: Maximize your retirement savings through
tax-efficient contributions and potential tax-deferred growth.
 • Diverse Investment Options: Choose from a wide array of
investment options to diversify and optimize your IRA portfolio.

Small Business Retirement Plans

 • Employer-Sponsored Plans: Navigate the complexities of
employer-sponsored plans, including 403(b), 401(k), 401(a),
 • Tailored Solutions: Craft retirement plans that meet the specific
needs of your small business, fostering employee loyalty and
financial well-being.
 • Compliance Assistance: Ensure adherence to regulatory
requirements with our expert guidance, minimizing risks
associated with retirement plan management.
 • Employee Education: Enhance employee understanding and
participation through educational workshops, empowering
them to make informed retirement decisions.

Whether you’re an individual seeking a personalized IRA strategy
or a small business looking to optimize employee retirement
benefits, The Faller Company is your dedicated partner in
crafting retirement plans that align with your unique
circumstances and aspirations. Secure your financial
future with confidence and expertise.

Charitable Giving and Planning

Donor-Advised Funds

Build enduring relationships with your high-net-worth clients
through our Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs) solutions. At The Faller
Company, we offer access to leading philanthropic solution
providers, allowing your clients to support the causes they care
about and leave a meaningful legacy.

American Endowment Foundation (AEF)

 • Independent National Sponsor: Clients contribute to AEF,
benefiting from an independent national sponsor of DAFs.
 • Advisory Control: Advisors can efficiently manage their clients’
charitable assets through AEF, with custody at Pershing.
 • Client-Centric Portal: AEF provides a user-friendly portal for clients
to recommend grants and view fund activity history.

BNY Mellon Charitable Gift FundSM

 • Diverse Investment Options: Clients contribute to the BNY
Mellon Charitable Gift FundSM, gaining access to multiple
investment options managed by BNY Mellon, N.A.
 • Online Giving Support: A fully functional online portal supports
giving activities and account administration, enhancing the
overall philanthropic experience.

Renaissance Charitable Foundation (RCF)

 • Turnkey Donor-Advised Solutions: Clients contribute to RCF, benefiting
from a sponsoring charity that facilitates turnkey donor-advised solutions.
 • Customized Branding: Advisors can customize the fund website,
creating a branded DAF program that aligns with their clients’ needs.

Our team of experienced financial advisers at The Faller Company is committed to navigating the
complexities of trust asset management, ensuring that the financial legacies entrusted to us are managed
with diligence, care, and a focus on long-term prosperity.


A heading is a word, phrase, or sentence at the beginning
of a written passage that explains what it's about.
A heading is a word, phrase, or sentence at the beginning

Annuities and Insurance

A heading is a word, phrase, or sentence at the beginning
of a written passage that explains what it's about.
A heading is a word, phrase, or sentence at the beginning

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